Click on the field below for directions. Field maps are available for parks that have multiple soccer fields.
Biehn Park (grass)
Biehn Park 1 & 2 9v9
Biehn Park Field Map
Budd Park (grass and indoor turf)
Budd 1 11v11
Budd 2 A-F 5v5
Budd 2 Field Map
Budd 3A, 3B, 4A & 4B 9v9
Budd 5 A-F & 6 A-F 4v4
Budd Indoor Field
Budd Park Field Map
Shark Sports Indoor Field (indoor turf)
Eastwood (grass)
Grand River
Grand River Field Map
Huron Heights (grass)
Meinzinger (grass)
Meinzinger 1-5 7v7
Meinzinger Field Map
Morrison (grass)
Morrison 1-3 7v7
Morrison Park Field Map
RBJ Schlegel Park
Villages (Field 1) & Huron (Field 2) 11v11 (turf)
11v11 Turf Fields Map
Fields A & B 9v9 (grass)
9v9 Grass Fields Map
St. Mary’s Upper & Lower (grass)
Woodside (turf)