Kitchener SC and Kitchener TFC Annual General Meeting
The 2024 AGM will be held on January 15, 2025 at 7PM in the lounge at Budd Park and virtually via Zoom. All members are welcome to attend, but must complete the RSVP form which will be emailed out the week of January 6th.
Executive Positions Available for Application for the 2025 Year
Vice President
Eligible Voters: The Directors, Officers, Coaches, Managers and any individual who is registered as a player and who has attained the age of 16 years OR an adult, parent, or legal guardian of a player who has not attained the age of 16 years and members in good standing.
All 2024 registered members are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting. Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote.
Duties of each executive position:
Except: as provided for in the Dispute Resolution Policy of the OSA, and where the President delegates the responsibility to another person, the President shall preside at all Board of Directors Meetings. The President shall be ex-officio member of all committees, except any Nominations Committee; shall appoint all Chairs of Standing and Special Committees subject to ratification by the Board; co-ordinate all duties of the Board, Committees, staff; and shall be the spokesperson for the Club.
Vice-President (s)
The 1st Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President and shall have other powers as assigned by the Board of Directors. The 2nd Vice-President shall have powers as assigned by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall ensure that full and accurate records are kept of the accounts of the Club; shall
present financial reports to the Board of Directors at least once per quarter; and shall submit an Annual Report to the Annual General Meeting.
The Secretary shall maintain a record of all Minutes of the organization, maintain copies of all committee reports, notify officers and committee Members of their election or appointment, furnish committees with those documents required to perform their duties, sign all certified copies of acts of the organization (unless otherwise specified in the Club’s published Rules), maintain record books in which By-Law, published Rules and minutes are entered and have the current record books available at each meeting, send to the Membership a Notice of each General Meeting, send to the Board of Directors Notices of each meeting, conduct the general correspondence of the organization that is not the proper function of another office or committee, prepare, prior to each meeting in consultation with the presiding officer an order of business, and, in the absence of the President and Vice-President(s), preside until the immediate election or appointment of a new presiding officer.
Director Positions:
How is the Board of Directors structured? Under the Kitchener Soccer Club By-laws, the Board of Directors consists of a minimum of five and maximum of eight Directors. Members are elected to the board for a term of two (2) years.
Responsibilities The Kitchener Soccer Club Board of Directors has the responsibility for setting directions, establishing policy, and overseeing the activities of the organization. More specifically:
- Support the mission statement.
- Read and understand the financial statements and otherwise assist the board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility.
- Attend board meetings and actively participate in decision-making.
- Share your area of expertise with the board.
- Be an advocate for the organization.
- Fulfill the duties of care, obedience, and loyalty to the organization.
- Participate in regular assessments to improve board performance.
- Prioritize and monitor programs and services.
- Select the Executive Director and partner with them to accomplish the mission.
- Work to develop new leadership and recommend potential board members to the board nomination committee.
- Avoid conflicts of interest.
- Participate in the organization’s conferences and meetings.
- Independently learn about not-for-profit policy board governance model and procedures and uphold the Club’s policy board procedures.
Time Commitment
The Kitchener Soccer Club has, on average, 12 board meetings per year. There may be additional meetings required. It is anticipated that a board position would require 2-4 hours of your time each month.
Term of Office Directors shall serve for a term of two years.
Eligibility To be eligible for election as a Director, an individual must:
- Be eighteen (18) years of age or older.
- Not have been found under the Substitute Decision Act, 1992 or under the Mental Health Act to be incapable of managing property.
- Have the power under law to contract.
- Have not been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country.
- Not have the status of bankruptcy.
- Be in compliance with the Club’s conflict of interest By-laws and policies.
- If currently a member, be in good standing.
How will Board members be selected?
- The Directors will be elected in accordance with the Kitchener Soccer Club By-laws.
- A Nomination Committee will be composed by the Board of Directors.
All individuals wishing to run for a position as a Director, including all current Directors, will be subject to nomination which requires the submission of a signed Application Nomination Form and supporting materials. Nominations for positions as Directors will be accepted by the Nomination Committee from November 1, 2024, to December 13, 2024.
An acknowledgment of receipt of the completed Nomination Form will be emailed to the Nominee within two (2) business days of receipt. Upon receipt of all nominations, the Nominations Committee will conduct due-diligence by reviewing the nominee’s qualifications to ensure compliance with the Club’s By-Laws and Policies for eligibility for election to the Kitchener Soccer Club Board of Directors.
What information will be required to support each application?
- Each nominee must complete and sign a Kitchener Soccer Club Director Nominee Form and submit it to the Nominations Committee along with a resume.
- The resume shall be a maximum of one (1) page and must include the Members’ director eligibility experience.
Where to submit and what is the deadline for submitting applications?
Applications may be submitted by email, mail or courier to the following addresses:
Kitchener Soccer Club
1111 Homer Watson Blvd.
Kitchener, ON N2C 2P7
Applications must be received after November 1, 2024 and before December 13, 2024.